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  1. FunClucks

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    By about 3 weeks you should be able to tell CX hens from roos, or at least have a good guess by their comb color and size. Cute chicks! I always like to know how many of each I have as soon as possible, so it's fun to see how early I can tell. Also, after 3 weeks, they'll be strong enough and...
  2. FunClucks

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    It happens. Sorry you lost one. The rest are super cute!
  3. FunClucks

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    I'm raising White Rangers from Freedom ranger hatchery. Supposed to be very similar to CX but a 3m broiler. They are looking very CX to me, but about 1/2-2/3 of the growth rate. Bigger than my same aged New Hampshires (dual purpose meat bird also from FH hatchery). Mine are about 2 weeks.
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