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  1. GentryFarm

    Test hatch egg mixed with yesterdays eggs...what to do?

    Thanks, I do know that a few more varieties would be fun...but for now I lof bve my silver laced hens. Seeing how I am first time chicken owner, started out easy. Do most people buy mixed flocks of birds?
  2. GentryFarm

    Test hatch egg mixed with yesterdays eggs...what to do?

    Thank you so much for the advice, jkcove08! I will try to candle the eggs tonight. I don't have any eggs in the nest now and no sign of an egg that has broken and been eaten. Atleast from what I can tell. My DH had a pet duck who was broody over a nest of eggs and one day she just started...
  3. GentryFarm

    Test hatch egg mixed with yesterdays eggs...what to do?

    Thanks for the tips so far. I read in one of my farming books about candling but didn't quite get it. The same thing can be done with a flash light?? Sounds easier. I always have a hen sometimes 2 on the nest. Alot of the times I can't gather eggs when I want to because a hen is on the nest and...
  4. GentryFarm

    Test hatch egg mixed with yesterdays eggs...what to do?

    I am new to the site and the forum. We got our chickens the end of May, they started laying in Sept/Oct. They are awesome layers and because we have a roo in the mix with our 9 hubby decided to mark one egg w/ a red crayon, so not to be toxic, and we left it in the nest box...
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