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  1. G

    Smelly breath & white discharge from mouth

    No pigeons around. The hens roam free range all day. This hen likes to kill and eat skinks. Could it be that?
  2. G

    Smelly breath & white discharge from mouth

    Her crop empties so i don't think its sour crop. She doesn't look any different to how she always is, and if anything she's gaining weight. It's just the discharge from the mouth and breath. She's been this way since May.
  3. G

    Smelly breath & white discharge from mouth

    Hi, mum's got a small Silke cross hen who's had a clear/white discharge from her mouth every morning and sometimes before bedtime since May. She shakes her head to get it out. Her breath is smelly but not sour. No white in her mouth. She eats and her crop empties, I thought it may have been sour...
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