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  1. GopherBoyFarms

    Does my Billie have bumble foot or is it just a callus? PICS

    thought I should give you an update on Billie....I soaked her foot..and kept soaking it until the "scab" was soft and changed color. I then (with gloves on) picked the scab off. There was more blood then I thought there would be. I rinsed it off, and soaked it again. Then put neosporin on it...
  2. GopherBoyFarms

    Does my Billie have bumble foot or is it just a callus? PICS

    Quote: Thanks for getting back to me on this...I will do what ever it takes for this little girl...husband and son both say....make her a house chicken (you cant help but fall in love with her). I think for HER well-being I will tend to her feet...and baby her through her recovery..and let...
  3. GopherBoyFarms

    Does my Billie have bumble foot or is it just a callus? PICS

    Quote: do I soak the foot...have a few stiff drinks and rip that "scab" off? then wrap her wee little foot and make her a diaper and keep her in the house till she is all better???
  4. GopherBoyFarms

    Does my Billie have bumble foot or is it just a callus? PICS

    First off Billie doesnt think she is a chicken.....she thinks she is a puppy..or a toddler....she is a bearded white polish large fowl and is about 1.5 yrs old. We all tend to carry her around most of the time....if we dont we will be tripping over her. But she does sleep in the coop wit hthe...
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