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    the age old question Can you write on a hatchin egg with sharpie. answer is yes with proof

    they wrote a positive feed back the second time. i used pencil, but i want to put sharpie smiley faces on them lol

    the age old question Can you write on a hatchin egg with sharpie. answer is yes with proof

    No they left neutral. But the fun thing was they bid on some more egg about two weeking later. I was nice and sent some extra egg of another breed they want. The ordered 10+ sent 18.

    the age old question Can you write on a hatchin egg with sharpie. answer is yes with proof

    it was off eBay they did not say not to use marker. I like the maker easier to see and do not come off. But I use pencil now on the shipped egg and marker on the ones in my bator,

    the age old question Can you write on a hatchin egg with sharpie. answer is yes with proof

    I got this email off eBay that started these test. (I am not happy with 5 of the eggs being marked with a maker. Maker contaminants hatching eggs. Pencil should be the only thing used on eggs. I will try my best to hatch these, but I would like replacements for at least those 5 eggs that you...
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