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  1. Idakoyuu

    Looking for advice+broad spectrum antibiotics

    Hi, the amoxicillin came in 250mg capsules, and after I looked it up it said 125 mg twice a day for 3-5 days. What might be the best dosage, timeframe, and way to give her the drug itself? (do I empty out the contents or somehow give her the whole pill?)
  2. Idakoyuu

    Looking for advice+broad spectrum antibiotics

    I mostly wanted the antibiotics as a back up to have on hand, in case she doesn't improve with deworming+mite treatment. She is 6, and seems to still be molting (Still has a decent few feathers missing.) I mix corn into their feed when it gets colder to keep weight on them, but I don't mix it...
  3. Idakoyuu

    Looking for advice+broad spectrum antibiotics

    Hi all, over the last few weeks, my 6 year old barred rock hen Bandi has been sort of down in the dumps. She's just been very lethargic, and at first I thought molting was possibly to blame but I just can't see that being the problem. I do not think she is laying anymore, but I'm not sure id...
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