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  1. JadeFarms

    Sexing ameraucana chicks

    Yes they may grow out of it. But I’ve never had Araucanas so I don’t know for sure.
  2. JadeFarms

    Sexing ameraucana chicks

    Ohh they do look like Araucanas.
  3. JadeFarms

    Sexing ameraucana chicks

    I have pure ameraucanas and those are definitely not ameraucanas. They look like EE. There are two cockerels.
  4. JadeFarms

    Sexing ameraucana chicks

    Could you post a pic of her crown, I’m thinking male but I don’t know for sure.
  5. JadeFarms

    Sexing ameraucana chicks

    Looks like all male Easter Eggers. Post face pics of the last one.
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