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  1. Josefina

    Tampa, Fl Peeps--Residential Rooster Help?

    I've been stalking all their social media for the rescue page and looking through their website and stuff. I also talked to the owner, who offered to let me come see the place which I will probably also do!
  2. Josefina

    Tampa, Fl Peeps--Residential Rooster Help?

    Update: I think I found a rescue group who will give the boys a home! They also have a network of people who adopt chickens from them, so if they don't take the boys one of the people they know probably will.
  3. Josefina

    Tampa, Fl Peeps--Residential Rooster Help?

    Wow. :eek: The more I learn about neighbors, the less I want them. *sigh* I am definitely trying to find someone who would take the boys, whether here in Kansas or down in Florida. Sadly, I'm discovering it is hard to rehome roosters even when they come with hens.
  4. Josefina

    Tampa, Fl Peeps--Residential Rooster Help?

    Alas, that sounds exactly like something they would do. Considering our yard space is under 10,000 sqft, neither law would allow for me to have more than 10 birds so the cap ends up being the same for me. I definitely like a 10 bird cap better than a 5 or 3 bird cap though! (But mostly, I want...
  5. Josefina

    Tampa, Fl Peeps--Residential Rooster Help?

    Ah, okay. I saw that section but assumed it was for some type of business, and unrelated to another section I saw that I thought was more applicable for just having a backyard flock.
  6. Josefina

    Tampa, Fl Peeps--Residential Rooster Help?

    I would greatly appreciate having their website! Aside from the farmer I already contacted, and the Lowry Park Zoo, I don't know anyone in Florida who has chickens (roosters included). The more people and/or places I can find that might be able to adopt my boys, the better I'll feel. I may find...
  7. Josefina

    Tampa, Fl Peeps--Residential Rooster Help?

    No HOA and no renting. There is a "neighborhood association" but it's optional and I don't think they have legal recourse the way an HOA does. In any case, we have contacted the neighborhood association and asked if they would allow us to have chickens, and they said that since the city allows...
  8. Josefina

    Tampa, Fl Peeps--Residential Rooster Help?

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for advice on how I might be able to keep my roosters after a move. We're moving from a farm in Kansas to a residential/suburban house in Tampa, Florida and there are so many rules! :he (I am SO not a city girl.) I've lived on this farm for nearly 20 years and I've been...
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