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  1. K0k0shka

    Chicks’ ear color

    On the contrary, it's been a very cool and pleasant June so far, unusually so - days in the 70s, nights in the 50s-60s. The only thing I can think of in terms of temperature, is at night, I keep having to move them. The chicks are being raised collectively by two broodies, and the broodies...
  2. K0k0shka

    Chicks’ ear color

    Of course! How did I not think to tag him? :he :lol: I just spoke with the breeder, and she says none of hers have had such red ears and she says it's not normal :( Now the question is, what's going on and is it a problem.......
  3. K0k0shka

    Chicks’ ear color

    Who knows... I'll ask the breeder, just because I'm curious. I've had "better quality" English Orpingtons before, from a different breeder, of several different colors (though none lavender) and they didn't have red ears either. I'll see who else weighs in, now I'm really curious.
  4. K0k0shka

    Chicks’ ear color

    Interesting! I got mine from Oceanside Orpingtons in MA. The breeder specializes in English Orpingtons. Where did you get yours?
  5. K0k0shka

    Chicks’ ear color

    Oh it's a total sausage fest in there. I'm just stumped by the ear color, and why none of my other boys (of other breeds or colors) have had such bright red ears. At this point I should probably assume the ones with the red ears are boys :(
  6. K0k0shka

    Chicks’ ear color

    I haven’t noticed this on any of my previous batches of chicks, but this is my first time with Lavender Orpingtons in particular, so I was wondering if it’s a breed thing, or a gender thing? Their ears are RED! At first I thought one of them had cut itself on the head and it was a wound, but...
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