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  1. KGreene

    Coyotes :(

    I'm not upset what-so-ever. I have loyal, protective dogs... not much of a threat to a pack of coyotes. Nah, I've built my tri-pods, got my hooks and 1/8" cable.....I'm going coyote fishing!
  2. KGreene

    Coyotes :(

    The "idea" resulted from your previous post... I mentioned my 18 month old grand daughter, and you suggested electric fencing. But in the quoted post you say "the op does not have small children, or else would not have recommended it" . I'm very familiar with the various types of electric...
  3. KGreene

    Coyotes :(

    Seriously??!! ... You willingly promote a product that could potentially kill a child... But readily voice your obvious issues with (what you view) as inhumane ways to eliminate a predator that could kill that same child?? Excuse me, but there is something terribly wrong with that train of...
  4. KGreene

    Coyotes :(

    I suppose that could be an option if I were trying to "capture".....The death of these vermin is my objective, so really, I suppose either would work. I'm just going to shoot them anyway.
  5. KGreene

    Coyotes :(

    Well, I suppose that's a subjective term, and to each their own. My grandkids love to go out and visit and play with the chickens and, electric poultry fencing would not only give them a jolt, but it also goes around the problem (they WILL be back when hunger sets in). But, to be perfectly...
  6. KGreene

    Coyotes :(

    Having somewhat recently had a coyote walk up into my yard at 3:00 pm within 30 yards of my wife and 18 month old granddaughter (not a lot bigger than the roo), playing in the yard, and snatch one of my BR roosters. I must say, I'm a bit intrigued with coyote fishing idea. These critters are...
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