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  1. KingD

    Parakeet or Lovebirds?

    Here is his cage. Obviously you don't need one that big though. Just an example. Birds are much happier the more similar their cage is to their natural environment.
  2. KingD

    Parakeet or Lovebirds?

    I have a friend who breeds cockatiels. I will find a picture of his cage and post it on here. His stay outside all year round. He has an indoor section where they can go. You could possibly hang a heatlamp up during the winter.
  3. KingD

    Parakeet or Lovebirds?

    I always buy mine from breeders wether it be rabbits, chickens or budgies. Some pet shop birds are just an embarrassment.
  4. KingD

    Parakeet or Lovebirds?

    Not for a beginner!
  5. KingD

    Parakeet or Lovebirds?

    Cockatiels will need a much bigger cage than a budgie because if their size and wingspan, therefore costing more. Also, the bigger the bird, the more food you'll get through. I always think it's cruel to keep cockatiels inside.
  6. KingD

    Parakeet or Lovebirds?

    If you are starting of with aviary birds then I'd suggest getting a budgie/s
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