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  1. Kiraeh

    Help, is the chick in the egg okay?

    If it was 103 for a long time, then yes. If it was 103 just for long enough for an alarm to go off, the embryo would never have even gotten that hot, as internal egg temperature always lags being air temperature. Now, if the thermometer isn't accurate and that 103 was a 105+, that's a...
  2. Kiraeh

    Help, is the chick in the egg okay?

    Thats pretty good! Lots of commercial incubators aren't any better than that.
  3. Kiraeh

    Help, is the chick in the egg okay?

    I think not that late, by then they're filling the egg more. Maybe somewhere in days 10-14? My day 16 quitter I opened up this summer was further along. I agree that it may be a parent stock issue, you should definitely try hatching again from better eggs!
  4. Kiraeh

    Help, is the chick in the egg okay?

    Yeah! That sounds like a good plan. I've always found it interesting when I did it(if there was a chick at all, sometimes there's just yolk). What some people do is put it in a zip lock bag, that way there's no mess or smell.
  5. Kiraeh

    Help, is the chick in the egg okay?

    I've never had an egg explode so I don't know how suddenly they do it. But it seems unlikely that there's any chance it's alive. Will you be cracking it open to see if you did have any development?
  6. Kiraeh

    Help, is the chick in the egg okay?

    Oh no. :( yeah I don't think that's ever a good sign. Are there other eggs incubating with it? It should be removed asap if so.
  7. Kiraeh

    Help, is the chick in the egg okay?

    Haha, it's hard not to. I hand turn also and you get very used to handling the eggs. Hard to say without seeing it in person(I can't really discern anything from your photos) , but if the shadow of the chick has changed shape, it's probably changed position to get ready to hatch. It can look...
  8. Kiraeh

    Help, is the chick in the egg okay?

    Yeah its very rare to see a foot before day 14, especially if your egg is dark. The chick needs to be big enough. Even a medium brown egg can be hard to see veins in. At this point, don't worry too much about turning it, and watch for the air cell to really move and get more lopsided sometime...
  9. Kiraeh

    Help, is the chick in the egg okay?

    I wasn't sure from the other pictures, but that looks like a foot to me. Is it moving? I'd say it's around day 14-16, chicks reposition after that and you can't see toes that way. The air cell seems maybe a bit big, so whatever you're doing for humidity, I would up it.
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