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  1. LadyWolf44005

    Goose mounting ducks?

    They should be separated
  2. LadyWolf44005

    Goose mounting ducks?

    Its dose say they sexually Mature at around 3 yrs of age. Maybe it's just the surge of hormones he is geting?
  3. LadyWolf44005

    Goose mounting ducks?

    Then I would say this is meeting behaver. I would think 3 months is still too young, but it seems like he needs a lady. Do you know what kind of goose he is? (I have a goose breed book on me right now. I will see if it says anything on breed)I would also ask @Goosebaby she has always been a...
  4. LadyWolf44005

    Goose mounting ducks?

    I am a first time goose owner my self, but that does sound like me is trying to mate with the ducks. Be careful becouse he could really hurt the ducks. They need to be able to get away if needed. (Ducks) if he was raised with them he most likely sees himself as a duck. Was he trying to do this...
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