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  1. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    i got really good a hen from crossing a americana rooster with a silver wyandotte hen.i keeped a rooster and a hen thinking i going to breed the rooster back to silver wyandotte. because he looks like a silver wyandotte just not as laced.
  2. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    yeah i do the same thing with cockrels.american chicken that is what im using to create my breed. i love to create mutts just to see what happens when you mix this breed with that one.
  3. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    that really not what i started this was really to see how many people were trying to breed new breeds of dual purpose chickens. both kinds of stock are good if they have good genetics.
  4. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    it kinda does seem like people on the forum look down mutt chickens and hatchery stock. and i think breeders do do that but breeder normally have better show quality bird. if you are worried about function i like hatchery stock. i started this thread. just to ask a simple question. what i...
  5. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    see mine in ten years they will be the best. but the rhodebar is pretty.looks like a darn good sexing is only good if you care about not raising cockerals.since i eat extra cockerals it is a plus to have them.
  6. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    Quote: thats a cool bird and nice yard their
  7. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    i just want something you can,t get from hatcheries i have been working on it for 3 years now and have 2 strains going. good luck on your chicken breeding adventures everone:cool:
  8. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    why is there not a thread for breeding daul purpose breeds
  9. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    i started with a mutt rooster which was a leghorn rhode island red.his son is a orpington rhode island leghorn gentics guys. it is not going to be the same mix breed be cause i bred back to rhode island. the cockel is 4 months old and as big as his mother. i understand that everyone doesn't...
  10. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    the thing is if backyard poultrymen an women keep buying from hatcheries the breeds will still be there.2 springs ago i told the owner of my local feed store about jersy giants and that they where a rarer breed sure enough last spring he ordered about four hundred of of them twice.last spring he...
  11. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    i am using barred rocks,new hampshires,rhoode island reds,jersy giants for one strain and wyandottes, aracaunas, for the is not a big deal for me to have longterm egg laying because i change out hens ever 2 to3 years i make stew. i know breeding mutts is looked down upon. just working...
  12. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    I know that my chickens don't have any problems in 90-100 degree heat. i still got a half dozen eggs . that was the temp almost every day this summer. the dad was about ten pounds i would guess that the orpington leghorn rhode island red is about 81/2 pound maybe 9.i also have a...
  13. Lordofchickens 86

    Is anybody else trying to breed the perfect dual purpose breed.

    I am trying to breed a heat tolerant good meat and good egglaying fowl. im using american breeds because they are the best in my opinion. also using south american breeds . i love me some organic eggs and chicken meat. i started years ago with a leghorn rhode island mutt roo and a buff orpington...
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