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  1. MGG

    Eggs not floating in the water test

    Aw! You can take him out whenever. Now would be fine. I take mine out when they're still a little bit wet, so he's fine. Congrats!
  2. MGG

    Eggs not floating in the water test

    What would happen any way? Late term deaths, early deaths, etc.
  3. MGG

    Eggs not floating in the water test

    Um, no. Lol. They seem fine so far.
  4. MGG

    Eggs not floating in the water test

    That's interesting. I had never heard that.
  5. MGG

    Eggs not floating in the water test

    I set my chicken eggs a week into the duck's incubation so the chicks are on day 21 and the ducks are on day 28.
  6. MGG

    Eggs not floating in the water test

    Really? Where'd you get that info? I've never heard that. I have ducks and chickens hatching right now.
  7. MGG

    Eggs not floating in the water test

    Wow! You sure are busy! It's totally fine.
  8. MGG

    Eggs not floating in the water test

    Yeah, try tonight in a dark room. Sorry, it's just too hard to tell when it's bright in the room.
  9. MGG

    Eggs not floating in the water test

    If you post pics we can tell you. 😉
  10. MGG

    Eggs not floating in the water test

    That's weird. Candling is the most reliable because you can physically see the chick. Also, welcome to BYC!
  11. MGG

    Eggs not floating in the water test

    Water floods in through the pores and it blocks oxygen from going into the embryo. It's just very dangerous. It makes the eggs slippery and it's very easy to drop them also. The one time I trusted it I threw out what it told me were definitely duds, and they were not. That was the saddest thing...
  12. MGG

    Eggs not floating in the water test

    Yeah. I despise the float test. It's so unreliable for viable eggs. Only use it for eggs for eating to determine how old they are.
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