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  1. Melodychick

    The Clucky Coop Adventures - 2020 CHAT

    Speckled Sussex(2), Australorp(1), New Hampshire red(1), Gold Laced Wyandotte(1), Cuckoo Marans(1), Barred Rock (4 of them are hard to tell apart!) Easter eggers (5) Welsummer (1 hen + the roo), and Barnevelders(2)
  2. Melodychick

    The Clucky Coop Adventures - 2020 CHAT

    I have 18 hens and 1 rooster, Lucy, Penny, Sadie, Patsy, Betty, Roxanne, Abbey, Bea, Pam, Lulu, Molly, Thelma Lou, Elly Mae, Janis, Olivia, Joni, Rita and the roo is Julian (was supposed to be a female named Julia...) 3 ducks Elsa, Inga and IKEA
  3. Melodychick

    The Clucky Coop Adventures - 2020 CHAT

    Haha, yes. The pop doors open to the north and I knew the rain would be coming from that direction. The chickens don’t want to be out in the rain and with the door open the coop would get wet, so left it shut. On the other hand ducks love rain...
  4. Melodychick

    The Clucky Coop Adventures - 2020 CHAT

    Just saw the tag, thanks for the invite! Some bad weather coming through here right now. Left the chickens inside, but opened the door for the ducks. They are in their pooL oblivious to the severe wind and storms...
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