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  1. Mrsdills07

    Chicks piping on day 17? Egg turner still in?

    We have one fully hatched black Silkie chick!! I don't see any holes in the others so far from what I can tell with the lid shut. Would it be safe to take the turner out now or still to dangerous with letting the heat/humidity out. I'm concerned the new chick might get its leg stuck or fall...
  2. Mrsdills07

    Chicks piping on day 17? Egg turner still in?

    I'm not sure if they are bantams, the guy just said Silkie, the chickens I saw of his were small but I've read all Silkies are small anyways? We did calibrate the thermometers when we first got our bator which was just a few months ago. We have the one that came with it and a digital with...
  3. Mrsdills07

    Chicks piping on day 17? Egg turner still in?

    Its the same temp I have hatched my last 2 batches on, But they have been different breeds of chickens, if that matters? I have turned the turner off, but its ok to leave it in?
  4. Mrsdills07

    Chicks piping on day 17? Egg turner still in?

    I have 12 Silkie eggs on day 17 today. I was going to candle and take the egg turner out tomorrow, but my 4yo just alerted me that the chickens were "etching" or hatching. Thinking he was just wanting to see them I went to check and sure enough atleast one has pipped and chirping. The turner...
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