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  1. My Three Chicks

    Blue Ameraucana 8 wks - still look like a pullet?

    Aw Pewter is so pretty and yeah no wattles hehe
  2. My Three Chicks

    Blue Ameraucana 8 wks - still look like a pullet?

    Haha I understand. I still have a wishlist of breeds too! Her poofs are still filling in. Here's a better shot.
  3. My Three Chicks

    Blue Ameraucana 8 wks - still look like a pullet?

    Oh yeah they do look a lot alike! How old is she in this pic? She has hardly a comb or no wattles!
  4. My Three Chicks

    Blue Ameraucana 8 wks - still look like a pullet?

    Thank you! She's my 1st Ameraucana. I've always wanted one.
  5. My Three Chicks

    Blue Ameraucana 8 wks - still look like a pullet?

    Would love to see a pic to see what mine may grow up to look like!
  6. My Three Chicks

    Blue Ameraucana 8 wks - still look like a pullet?

    Hi all. I posted at 6 weeks and folks thought she was a pullet. She's now 8 weeks and her pea comb (with 3 rows) is more developed and pinkish. No other roo qualities and characteristics. Same size as others, not thick legs, even coloring, not aggressive. Thoughts?
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