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  1. NatJ

    Easter Egger Sex-Links?

    Only if the EE female has white barring. The barring gene is what causes the spot on the head of the males. It's on the Z sex chromosome, so a hen gives it to her sons but not her daughters. (Males have ZZ sex chromsomes. Females have ZW, so any chick who gets W is a female, any chick who gets...
  2. NatJ

    Easter Egger Sex-Links?

    The question mentioned a barred hen, so I didn't bother to consider other options when I answered. Fibromelanosis is not on the Z sex chromosome, but the gene that allows dark skin is. So yes, ayam cemani rooster crossed to a hen with light skin should produce chicks that can be sexed by skin...
  3. NatJ

    Easter Egger Sex-Links?

    Yes, an ayam cemani rooster with a barred hen should work just fine for producing sexlink chicks.
  4. NatJ

    Easter Egger Sex-Links?

    Black Sumatra will produce black chicks (sexlinks with barred hens, black daughters/barred sons). Sumatras should have pea combs, so chicks would be split for pea comb. That can give some odd-looking combs, which may or may not matter to you. Sumatras should have the dominant gene for long...
  5. NatJ

    Easter Egger Sex-Links?

    If the father is not barred, then his daughters are not barred. When you need a barred hen to make sexlinks, this makes the not-barred pullets unsuitable. If you want to do gold/silver sexlinks, you need a gold father and silver mother. Breeding a gold rooster (all of the ones with red in the...
  6. NatJ

    Easter Egger Sex-Links?

    I don't know about breeds. But for sex linking purposes: --The barred one can probably produce autosexing chicks with your barred hens (although some groups of barred chicks are easy to sex, and some are hard, and I cannot predict which kind you would get.) --Any of the others could produce...
  7. NatJ

    Easter Egger Sex-Links?

    Yes. Green or blue legs are caused by dark skin (recessive trait, so you need the father to have it.) Yellow or white legs are light skin (dominant trait, so the mother needs to have it.) So a father with green or blue legs, crossed to a hen with yellow or white legs, should produce chicks...
  8. NatJ

    Easter Egger Sex-Links?

    Actually, it's not as iffy as it sounds. The really neat thing about sexlinks is you can pick the breeding stock by looking at them, with no need to know their ancestors, just because of how the genes work. The father must have two copies of the recessive gene (on his two Z chromosomes.)...
  9. NatJ

    Easter Egger Sex-Links?

    Barred Rocks can be auto-sexing. That means you can breed pure Barred Rocks to pure Barred Rocks and get pure Barred Rock chicks, and still sex them by color. Sexlinks are when you breed a male with one trait, and a female with another trait, and you can tell the sex of the chicks because of...
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