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  1. OhZark Biddies

    Coyote trapping

    Oh he’s one of those people is he?... comes along after the work is done to tell you how you should have done it...I’m liking this farmer less and less :lau I was once told that we can’t hope for the best... we can hope for better ... but we have to plan for the best, then we have execute that...
  2. OhZark Biddies

    Coyote trapping

    Ahh ok I get you now... yeah I don’t disagree with this as a general idea that can guide a lot of people away from creating their own problems.... but every situation is different... my coop for example has a great big mulberry tree next to it... next month when those berries are ripe the coons...
  3. OhZark Biddies

    Coyote trapping

    I guess I never quite understood the point your old farmer was making... I have coyotes around here all the time, they come and go as they please... what would the farmer think I’m doing wrong?
  4. OhZark Biddies

    Coyote trapping

    Nope, it didn't at reminder was more in response to the "dispatch" method debate. But I'm going to ramble on generally in your direction now... so don't take that as really meant for you either ;) ... I'm pretty open minded about other people thinking differently than me, and...
  5. OhZark Biddies

    Coyote trapping

    Yep that’s how the trolling dogs work too, the coyotes often just keep chasing even after one of them is taken out of the chase. We once had a great big block headed male black lab and a smaller mutt .. he was 1/2 blue healer, 1/4 beagle, 1/4 walker ... probably just something about that mix...
  6. OhZark Biddies

    Coyote trapping

    She might make a good “trolling” dog, lol I don’t know if you’re aware of how those work but basically the dog is trained to let the coyotes chase her and bring them back to the hunter...’s pretty effective where there is open ground to see... it’s basically the exploitation of the...
  7. OhZark Biddies

    Coyote trapping

    Pssst... it’s “foot holds” not “leg holds” This kind of goes to one of the biggest misconceptions I’ve seen on this site concerning trapping... Speaking from experience I can tell you that footholds are a catch and release trap if you take the time to understand how they work and don’t work...
  8. OhZark Biddies

    Coyote trapping

    The “pull only” part of that is the key maybe? I’ve barely used “dog proof” myself, but let me ask for the benefit of others, if you happen to know if there are som dp’s that trigger on the push? As for releasing a skunk, to me the question is not how, but why? ;) I don’t like having those...
  9. OhZark Biddies

    Coyote trapping

    Just a reminder for everyone : “This forum is designed as an aid to those who are having predator problems. It is not a debate forum on ethics” See this “ground rules” post for more:
  10. OhZark Biddies

    Coyote trapping

    You’re probably doing the opposite as me ... setting close... whereas I get way back and catching them dancing around the set, before they start tip toeing in ... I think it’s why I’m not very good at foxes though, I set too far back thinking more about coyotes ... that and just more coyotes...
  11. OhZark Biddies

    Coyote trapping

    I’m not the best trapper, but coyotes have always just kind of come pretty easy for me... I’m rusty on foxes and never was that good at them ( I suspect in part because I stretched my sets out toward coyotes) .... bobcats are cake if there is a bobcat to be had and you understand a couple of...
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