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  1. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    Nope most definitely not!!! My duckies are my family ❤️ ...and besides Hazel lays the most beautiful green eggs, and plenty of them when she’s not in a broody trance. I’m really not sure why you’d breed a beautiful little nugget like her for meat!
  2. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    Thank you DuckyDonna ❤ That tiny baby was such a precious little thing. I just expected it would all go fairly smoothly like they did with my last ducklings many years ago, but this has definitely given me a lesson on being prepared with a plan B. Elizabeths certainly are gorgeous! I’d been...
  3. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    Thanks Chickens! :hugs I’ll see how thing are looking next spring and if she’s keen I’ll give her another go (but have a much better back up plan this time just in case!)
  4. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    It’s so lovely you still have your old Muscovy girl. The bond with the oldies is so precious (although my girls seem to get grouchier with age! :p) Half my flock are old duckies now. My Campbell girl Olive will be turning 13 as well in just over a fortnight. I might have to bake her a mealworm...
  5. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    Thank you Jpat ❤ It’s so easy to fall in love with those sweet little ducklings. It doesn’t take long and they’ve got you! I will still think about her in years to come I’m sure.
  6. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    Thank you Quackiemama ❤ She was such a sweet little thing
  7. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    The Belgian chicks are going gangbusters. This was my second hatch of 3 chicks using an incubator. My first incubation and my first chickens! I’ve always been a duck person (still am), but their floofy feet and bushy beards got me sucked in. Funny little things! The first batch are now three...
  8. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    That was a lucky save! It’s really wonderful watching them hatch! Nerve wracking, but wonderful. Hazel’s not quite a bantam, but the lightest of the light breeds. She’s an Elizabeth duck which is very rare breed from Australia, (and she’s actually a bit smaller than the standard). They look...
  9. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    This is exactly why I should have asked for help earlier! I ended up using a mortar and pestle to crush up the crumble into smaller pieces, but even then she was still struggling to actually swallow much. I would like to try and raise some BEI again one day so I’ll have to be better prepared...
  10. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    Yes this was Hazel’s first hatch, and when I think about it she was kind of acting the same as when she was brooding the eggs... Making a dash from the nest several times a day to furiously eat, bathe, and fossick but totally oblivious to the baby being left behind. I’m not sure whether to let...
  11. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    Oh, that sounds tragic - poor little thing! I guess that‘s the way nature works though... I’m guessing Hazel probably did know something was wrong because baby kept crying and took a long time to settle. Poor little thing was probably starving, but just didn’t seem to be able to eat much of...
  12. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    Thank you Miss Lydia ❤ I really appreciate you trying to help. My ducks mean everything to me and I love them with all my heart. I’ve only ever lost ducks to old age before so this will stay with me. I wish I’d done more for that little one, but was too hesitant to take her away from mum...
  13. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    After I started this thread last night, (and before I got most of your responses) I was up with baby till after midnight trying to get her to take some more egg yolk mixture. With a lot of encouragement, she started off by taking a few tiny sips from a teaspoon and making some little happy...
  14. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    Sorry I just realised what a long essay I’ve written here! Please - Any suggestion you have might help 🙏🙏🙏 This baby just keeps crying and crying and getting thinner. I really want to help it before it’s too late. 😥
  15. OliveGreen

    Please Help!! 😥 BEI Duckling not eating and losing weight

    Hello lovely duck people, I could really do with some help and advice!! On Tuesday my broody duck Hazel hatched out a single tiny baby Black East Indie duckling from some fertile eggs I gave her. (The only one to successfully hatch out of 5 developing eggs). Baby was actually born 4 days...
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