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  1. Oodeldood

    Hemp bedding?

    Prefer getting hemp from these guys who seem to not get it from China, which is known for using herbicides and pesticides - Hemp does have some qulaities that are worth noting, no magic just science. Hemp Hurd is Hydrophobic, meaning it hold but does...
  2. Oodeldood

    Hemp bedding?

    It is readily available in the US, it's used in Europe because it's more readily available. and it does have magical qualities. Naturally antimicrobial, 3 x's more absorbent than than hay/straw 2.5 x's more absorbent than woodchips. Completely safe and no dust. If you can use it. I'm not sure...
  3. Oodeldood

    Hemp bedding?

    Guys guys guys, tannins are there, I'm not a researcher. However, In the food supply pesticides in general are there, you know there there, however can you say there are any visible signs that you can point to among people that disregard the fact that they are there. Probably you can eventually...
  4. Oodeldood

    Hemp bedding?

    Not sure the research has been done, if so I can't find it. Tannins or other imputities are not worth the chance. At the moment like pesticides and other things I want to prevent from getting into my families food supply i go with not taking chances. I like the natural plant based items that...
  5. Oodeldood

    Hemp bedding?

    Pines shavings are cheap for a reason they are full of tannins: I use Hemp Bedding superior and now these guys have small Eco-Friendly packaging - Toxicity to monogastrics Animals...
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