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  1. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Yeah. If I hover my finger right above it so he can see it. 🤣 He also sleeps stuck to the filter intake. He's lazy too.
  2. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Used to keep primarily saltwater. Been taking a break from that for the last 8 years though. Keep telling myself that one day I'll drag one of the tanks back out and set it up again.... I'm still enjoying the simplicity of fresh water though. What do you have in your nano? Love all nano tanks.
  3. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Do ittttt. Cobra patterned gups are the prettiest!
  4. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    He's sort of personable. He will come up for food when I tap his "feeding spot" and won't eat unless I drop one pellet/worm at a time. Most of the time I have to point it out or he doesn't see it. He's not the brightest crayon in the box.
  5. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Yep! We've had him going on 3 years now. I had my eye on a nice orange koi half moon on eBay. Made the mistake of going to Petco and looking. There he was in a miserable cup. Fins half rotted off. Couldn't leave him either lol.
  6. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Princess Gerald is in his plant.
  7. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Thank you!!
  8. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Thanks!! I might toss a cuttle bone in there. For now I've done a 30% change with my own well water. That will probably be enough on its own.
  9. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Don't mind the water level and all the fingerprints. Was getting ready to do a water change.
  10. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Yep! He has a calcium deficiency. Apparently their water was too soft :(
  11. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Acclimation complete. Meet "Molluskque". Princess Gerald's new housekeeping service. Poor feller is all torn up. Looks like he fought in the war of 1812. I couldn't leave him at the pet store.
  12. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    On my way home with a new family member. Princess Gerald needed a friend/merry maid. Will get pics once he-she is settled.
  13. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Hey Bee!! :hugs
  14. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    So. So dead.
  15. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    FLIRT with him. He'll get your number.
  16. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Wait til I cut it in half. I'll get a pic. It's sooooo yummy but way too big to eat without cutting.
  17. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    X 2 My hubs didn't have hair on top. Hadn't since he was 20ish.
  18. Painted Calls

    Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

    Not entirely sure what this is.... but I'm 100% sure I need it in my life. 😍
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