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  1. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    Freeholder, I would hesitate to recommend to anyone that they keep chickens inside their home permanently. Chickens shed a copious amount of dust, and it really would be hard to keep it from getting all over your home. (The thought of chicken dust in the kitchen is unappetizing, for sure.) I...
  2. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    I honestly don't think you're going to get to zero food costs and still get eggs. Chickens today need a regular source of feed, you really can't expect them to free range and produce eggs regularly. That being said, good quality range can make a real difference to the amount of feed you need...
  3. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    I think generally when people think of dual purpose birds, we consider the males for meat and the females for eggs. I know I don't usually bother butchering old hens for meat, although I suppose some folks might make soup out of them once they are "used up." Personally, if I am not keeping a...
  4. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    I would think so. Haven't had those breeds specifically, but the breeds I have had in with Buckeyes (when I've mixed them) have worked well. Buckeyes are not super aggressive with other birds, but hold their own well, and aren't pushovers either, if you know what I mean. They go along to get along.
  5. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    I have owned many breeds of chickens over the years, and at this time am down to one breed, and one breed only, the best (in my opinion) dual-purpose breed of large fowl there is, the Buckeye. Buckeyes produce between 150 and 200 medium to large brown eggs per year. The extra males provide an...
  6. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    Yep, that's the idea. Just don't ever hatch the white eggs, and that way you won't have crossbreeds. And most feed stores will sell "sexed" WL pullets, so you don't have to worry about getting cockerels. Just keep the hens for their eggs, don't hatch them, and all you'll have are Buckeyes when...
  7. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    Well, here's the thing about dual-purpose breeds - they aren't going to lay through the winter like a production Leghorn. Which is why we, with our flock of Buckeyes, still keep a couple of production White Leghorn hens for winter eggs. We buy some WL pullets ever couple of years at Tractor...
  8. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    Quote: There are several large fowl breeds that have bantam analogues: the various Plymouth Rocks, RIRs, Orpingtons, and of course, Buckeyes, to name a few. Mind you, you'll never get a carcass like a Cornish Cross, but it would be interesting to experiment to see how meaty you could make some...
  9. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    Buckeyes, Buckeyes, rah rah rah! (Don't hit me, I know I sing a one note song in here.)
  10. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    Quote: Buckeyes pretty much fit that bill. You should see them mouse! Hysterical. Someday I want to try to catch it on video...
  11. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    Quote: Buckeyes, which are on that list, are an EXCELLENT dual (triple) purpose breed, and my personal favorites (and they also come in bantam.) I like Buckeyes so much that I recently started a fully fledged breed club for them, the American Buckeye Poultry Club...
  12. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    The beauty of Buckeyes is that the hens will go broody, don't even need Silkies to hatch chicks!
  13. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    Quote: I do like the way the Buckeyes have a wider breast than some other dual purpose birds I've butchered, even more so than the Marans I used to have.
  14. P

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    Quote: Buckeyes, which are on that list, are an EXCELLENT dual (triple) purpose breed, and my personal favorites (and they also come in bantam.) I like Buckeyes so much that I recently started a fully fledged breed club for them, the American Buckeye Poultry Club...
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