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  1. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Ah well, locked while I was out enjoying life - without my gun It was a good conversation, I'm proud of the participants here. On to chickens!
  2. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    I wouldn't open carry here, the sheeple in Massachusetts are far too programmed, Menino (mayor of Boston) is always screaming about 'illegal guns', they'd have a SWAT team surrounding anyone who open carried - and I truly don't believe it's legal. It is up in NH, but down by the MA border...
  3. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    My personal carry gun is a Kel-tec P3AT in .380, it's easily concealed on a small-framed woman like me. My favorite shooter is my S&W 1911 in .45, I can drive tacks with it - but it's far too big for me to easily carry, except in my gun purse, and that isn't my favorite way to carry for a number...
  4. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: There was no logic in his response, thus there was no further discussion from me. Actually Buster was very logical in all his postings. He was well thought out and kept it very polite and to the point. Most of the responses to his post were not. Claiming the Second Amendment is...
  5. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    People, let's keep this on track, 72 pages and it's still open - but only if we all behave ourselves! Back on topic.....
  6. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: Well, by the NRA perhaps. But the Supreme Court has only addressed it once in its entire history, and that was only a few months ago, and then in a 5/4 split decision with strong dissent. And that for only half of the thing. So, the true definition of the 2nd is very much up in the air...
  7. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have. Thomas Jefferson
  8. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Wanna see a bunch of people having loads of fun? Check out this video. You'll need sound, it's a Youtube video, but what a blast!!! I shot an MP5 once, full auto 9mm. It was awesome. Yes, I am a gun nut, and proud of it!
  9. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: Truer words have never been spoken. Now all you squeaky wheels stop it. The majority is ruling. Yes, and the majority thinks that there should be a right to bear arms. I think my next purchase will be a .22 pistol. My next purchase will be a wheel gun, all I have are semi-autos, some...
  10. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: Ummm... I think you mean Second Amendment. But who's counting? And when you join the State militia, you let me know. Why would you need to know? It has nothing to do with the Second Amendment - thankfully that has been reinforced time and time again, to protect it from those who...
  11. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: I don't know, but it needs to get back on track right now. Any further comments regarding women in combat will be deleted from now on.
  12. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Hmmm. Let's not get too political here or this amazing thread will be shut down.
  13. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Actually gun ownership and the belief in gun rights crosses all political lines. There are quite a few good Democrats in this country who believe in the RKBA, thankfully, or we would have lost that right long ago. It's more of a liberal/conservative issues - and not all Democrats are liberals.
  14. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    We're stocked here with all calibers
  15. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: Would love to if I could find the ammo! Seems like physisists (sp?) have succeeded in turning lead into gold. At least value wise! There's no lack of ammo here for us - we stocked up because we saw this all coming. I don't know why Buster can't find .22 ammo, though, any Walmart...
  16. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: I think people who live in other countries would beg to differ. But that's why The Constitution is written the way it is - to guarantee us our inalienable rights. It's why people want to come here - well, they did, until we ruined our economy.....
  17. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: It's ALWAYS the heavy ashtray. ALWAYS. If you're watching a murder mystery, check the coffee table first. It CAN'T be the ashtray! Have you tried to find an ashtray lately??? It's as hard to find as ammo for the gun! That's true - so it was the butler with the candlestick!
  18. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: Silly, Mrs. White used ice cube trays. She would never use an ice pick! Then WHO used the ashtray? Why, the butler, of course!
  19. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: Because there's more of us than there are of them - and they, after all, were elected to do our business...what we need are for people to wake up, turn off American Idol or whatever other foolishness they're burying their heads in, pay attention and vote intelligently. Hasn't been...
  20. Reinbeau

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: Well, no it wasn't. It was created to defend against an invading army. But that's okay. We can agree to disagree. If you read other writings by people like Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin you would realize that it was written for protection against oppressive government also. Yes...
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