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  1. RoosterWhisperer

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Okay thank you, that's makes so much sense now! :D
  2. RoosterWhisperer

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Wow, how interesting! Thank you for sharing that info! What's the difference between the old world and the new world, I see that a lot with different types of birds and it doesn't make an ounce of sense to me. (I'm somewhat of your local bird expert.) My brother is big into Axolotls.
  3. RoosterWhisperer

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    What kinds have you bred if I may ask?
  4. RoosterWhisperer

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    How beautiful and very unique looking! 😁 My personal favorite is the Sapphire blue and yellows! I've never had one before though, do they bite often, do they like to be handled?
  5. RoosterWhisperer

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    These are so awesome, is that her old skin in your hand?!:eek:
  6. RoosterWhisperer

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Nope! Really tiny though! Goodnight! (Remind me though!)
  7. RoosterWhisperer

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    It's on my sisters phone maybe tomorrow!
  8. RoosterWhisperer

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Funny thing, I went to get a drink of water, and right there behind the faucet was a little white daddy long leg I think.
  9. RoosterWhisperer

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Perfect! Such a great name! So, are males smaller than females?
  10. RoosterWhisperer

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    How sweet of you to mention me! These are all so wonderful! Have you considered the name Charlotte, like from Charlotte's web?
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