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  1. RrooKk

    Mystery Chicken Breed...Langshans? Copper Marans?

    Wow! Thank-you! This is all great information 👍 glad to be getting to the bottom of this.
  2. RrooKk

    Mystery Chicken Breed...Langshans? Copper Marans?

    Are you thinking Black Marans? For some reason I have in my head the copper maran but those always have brown penciling correct? Sorry, just trying to understand, definitely new to this breed.
  3. RrooKk

    Mystery Chicken Breed...Langshans? Copper Marans?

    I already posted about these 4 pullets that I received about 8 weeks ago trying to determine a breed, I think now that they are older we might have more luck. They were sold to me from a breeder as "Pure" Dark Brahmas...:lau Anyways, I was leaning towards Black Copper Marans but none of these...
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