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  1. RuffIedFeathers

    Critique my chickens!

    Do you know what age this would be?
  2. RuffIedFeathers

    Critique my chickens!

    At what age can you get a good idea of what a bird is going to really look like? Obviously mine are all younger. How do you decided who to thin out early on? For example, if I hatched 100 chicks, would you raise all 100 until a certain time and THEN make a decision on who is the best...
  3. RuffIedFeathers

    Critique my chickens!

    Also, I though the lacing on cockerels fades as they age? In the adult pictures it doesn't look like they have lacing, but I'm not sure. Do you have a picture of what an ideal cockerel Barnevelder would look like? Thank you! How can you tell that the crevecoeur is a male? I would think his comb...
  4. RuffIedFeathers

    Critique my chickens!

    Thanks! I just ordered the newest copy of the SOP, so I'm excited to compare my birds to it. Does it look like it's a roo or hen?
  5. RuffIedFeathers

    Critique my chickens!

    My first chicken was this red/brown "Ameraucana". She? has no beard or muffs, so I'm not sure if she really is one. Nice girl though Black Ameraucana. Unsure of sex. About 10 weeks old. Orloff (I have 2). Not sure of their quality or of they're hens. They look the same. One of my Shetland...
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