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  1. Sapphire Sebright

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    How are you and your spooders doing, Crestcrazy?
  2. Sapphire Sebright

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Hey! How are you and your spooders doing?
  3. Sapphire Sebright

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    I'm pretty sure that their tiny feet get stuck in my socks. They walk funny when they get to my socks. Also, musk. Crawling is bad enough, but having them musk on you? Disgusting. Cute li'l things, though. They seem to like gathering around the chicken coop, for whatever self-destructive reason.
  4. Sapphire Sebright

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    So cute! Their little faces are so cute and their eyes are so sparkly! Also, not sure if it's been said already, but regina is Latin for "queen," while rex means "king" (I'm reasonably sure; I know for sure that regina is queen, though). They're all so pettable.
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