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  1. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Egg bound? Day 4 - hard to find vets to treat

    Update: she is doing well today, no longer sedated, acting pretty normal. Drinking a ton of water. Dr. prescribed meloxicam for pain. She has a follow up in 10 days and we'll discuss a Deslorelin implant. In case any of you are wondering how much this ordeal costs before you are so desperate...
  2. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Egg bound? Day 4 - hard to find vets to treat

    My partner was like, maybe they were a figment of your imagination THE WHOLE TIME 😅
  3. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Egg bound? Day 4 - hard to find vets to treat

    I don't know what happened to the user Eurochick who was incredibly helpful and optimistic, since all their other comments aren't up anymore, but I appreciate their earlier comments and hope they come back 😭
  4. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Egg bound? Day 4 - hard to find vets to treat

    Update: Her vet just called, "You're never going to guess what it was," she had a twisted oviduct, there was no way the egg was going to come out. He had to open her up and do full surgery on her. I'm picking her up at 5pm. I am still adrenaline filled but so relieved. The egg was soft, he said...
  5. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Egg bound? Day 4 - hard to find vets to treat

    The update: Her vet is optimistic, he did a cbc, Chem panel, fecal (no parasites), and a cloacal scoping with lubrication. He also gave her fluids. He wants us back early tomorrow morning to get an updated xray and hopefully get the Chem panel back before he gives her anything else. He will try...
  6. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Egg bound? Day 4 - hard to find vets to treat

    Osprey is a bit of a showstopper I guess. I tried to bring an injured juvenile cardinal in last year but they turned me away and gave me like 3 rehabber numbers. Most of them were busy with baby birds. Sadly, the rehabber who finally was able to take it ended up euthanizing it 😢
  7. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Egg bound? Day 4 - hard to find vets to treat

    That was our go-to for emergency, unfortunately they stopped taking chickens (or even wildlife birds) for at least a year due to avian flu. We are in Gainesville so it was only 20 minutes from us. We've called half a dozen places as far as Jacksonville, no luck.
  8. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Egg bound? Day 4 - hard to find vets to treat

    Oh boy, no one mentioned a second egg developing, but we were worried about that. Thank you for pointing it out! We may need to get a second Xray since that was from Sunday.
  9. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Egg bound? Day 4 - hard to find vets to treat

    Yeah, I mean, if she was going to the normal emergency vet we used to bring all the chickens to (the one that currently cannot take chickens because of a state mandate) I would be less concerned about the sedation. I know they have to tell you that, but sedation with vets that don't specialize...
  10. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Egg bound? Day 4 - hard to find vets to treat

    Yeah, it took us months to figure out the crypto, this was our first flock of chickens and if you read my post history, we've definitely been through it. All the research I did before getting chickens- nothing could have prepared me for it. I think the crypto affects EVERY OTHER ISSUE we've had...
  11. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Egg bound? Day 4 - hard to find vets to treat

    So the emergency vet we went to was willing to do the aspiration, but when we called today they said that since it's been 4 days that might not be possible because the egg may be too hardened in the oviduct? They may be willing to try but we'd have to accept the possibility they will need to...
  12. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Egg bound? Day 4 - hard to find vets to treat

    I went out to sit with my chickens Saturday afternoon, my lap hen, Bandit jumped up to sit on my lap as she usually does. After she was done, she got down and it looked like her chest was puffed out - not quite penguin stance, but like something wasn't right. It was about 4pm. I decided I would...
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