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  1. Shadow920

    Poultry Predator Identification

    yeah barred rock are tough. don't underestimate them.
  2. Shadow920

    Poultry Predator Identification

    i had a possum get in my coop. it killed three chickens, but the first victim was a barred rock who survived. the back of her was completely gone yet i put her in a cage and not only is the injury now just a small bald spot but she gave me an egg the same day of the attack. do not...
  3. Shadow920

    Poultry Predator Identification

    there is a fox in my neighborhood. it hasn't killed any of my birds yet. it discovered them at a point when it already had a meal. but it saw my birds and i am afraid it will come back. my birds will be secure in their coop tonight but i want the fox gone. does anyone know the best bait for...
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