Search results for query: *

  1. SoccerGurl

    ~The Galaxy of Adventure~

    Juper looked and Saw Beth coming "Find anything?" she asked "Nothing" Bethany replied "Theirs no food here I've been in hyper sleep too long and I'm gonna starve if I don't eat something"
  2. SoccerGurl

    ~The Galaxy of Adventure~

    Beth grabbed her gun and cautiously walked toward and door she took her leg and with a powerful kick it busted open screams filled the foggy air she saw what seemed to be in every room Left overs she saw that most were grens A weird kind of bird bounty hunter that kills she pointed her gun they...
  3. SoccerGurl

    ~The Galaxy of Adventure~

    Name:Beth Gender:Female Species:Anthro Occupation:warrior Personality:kind,elegant,smart,skilled fighter,and serious Description:She is a lizard human and is black all around with red gems inbedded in her skin she is also fire proof with 4 rings in 1 ear History:no one knows she tells no one...
  4. SoccerGurl

    ~The Galaxy of Adventure~

    Name:Juper Gender:Female Species:Anthro Occupation:Left over she tries to save many of her species Personality:Smart,skilled fighter,Pretty,flirty,protective and kind but unmerciful and forceful when she has to be Description:She is a blue fox human mix, a blue color with neon glowing green...
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