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  1. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    Caption this picture.... 😂
  2. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    Annie and her kids checking out the wood pile. Maple is the little brown doeling. Pepe is the black & white wether.
  3. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    I've had that happen in the past so I can relate to how scary it is. Glad you got him free with no damage.
  4. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    I definitely want to try a buck apron on Peter but catching him so I can measure him is a major ordeal and it's been FAR too hot (triple digits) to put him (or us) through that right now. Maybe once it cools down a bit... Not likely until September, unfortunately.
  5. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    I mentioned that Annie had 2 kids in early May - a boy and a girl. I had the boy wethered. I was hoping to pen him up with Peter but not until he's fully weaned and a little older. His mama still let's him and his sister nurse from time to time. I also need to build a bigger goat house that can...
  6. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    Okay fellow goat herders, I want your opinions & knowledge. I started with 2 goats - a NG doe (Dahlia) and uncut buck (Peter) - that I adopted from the previous homeowner when I bought my house in 2020. I think these 2 were brother & sister but I really don't know. Last fall, I bought another...
  7. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    Well that's good to know! I wethered the little boy so if there is any inter-breeding that could possibly happen in the future, it'd be between father/daughter. I have my buck penned up at the moment to keep him from breeding. Poor fella is miserable...
  8. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    Going to create a separate pen for my buck tonight. He will still be near the girls but will have a fence between them now. This ought to allow me to control breeding. Poor boy is going to be very unhappy and confused. Once I have him penned up, I'll bring Annie and her 2 kids to the herd for...
  9. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    We got a little boy (black) and a little girl (brown) around noon today! 🥰
  10. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    That's what I did... Luckily I was able to minimize the mess.
  11. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    She picked the dirtiest corner of the stall with no straw and won't move... 🙄
  12. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    I'm almost CERTAIN my goat is in labor! :wee :celebrate
  13. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    Still no baby. Tomorrow will be exactly 145 days since I brought her home. Hopefully she will kid within the next week... 🙏🙏🙏 I tried to feel for her ligaments and couldn't find anything. Her bag is swollen up too... She wouldn't let me touch her bag though. She looks offended when I try. 😂 This...
  14. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    Baby Watch is officially online! 👏
  15. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    I checked on Annie today and couldn't feel the ligaments around her tail... I hope that's a sign that her kidding is near and not just my inexperience at feeling for them! 🤞 Poor baby is so lonely being separated from the herd. Breaks my heart to leave her locked away... I try to spend time...
  16. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    As I said, it's an individual decision. I'm glad that works for you. Others might have valid reasons to disbud their goats. There's nothing wrong with it.
  17. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    I have goats with and without horns. My goats are kept near the house, protected by fencing and (occasionally) a LGD. Those with horns have never been required to use them for protection. They've never hurt each other with their horns either... I am neither for or against horns. I think there...
  18. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    I'm still trying to figure out if I want to keep goats long term or not. I've got one buck and 2 does. I don't currently have a way to separate boys from girls. And I doubt it's a good idea to breed kids back to their daddy. The good news is that I don't have to decide or figure it out today so...
  19. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    I moved Annie into a horse stall today in preparation for her giving birth. She was NOT happy. She fought me the whole way and keep throwing herself to the ground in protest. I was afraid to pick her up for fear of hurting her or the babies. This will be her first time giving birth. My first...
  20. TJAnonymous

    Goat Thread!

    Awwwww, that's exactly how I came to own mine too. We were buying a house and the homeowner died in the middle of the closing process. His heirs asked us if we would be willing to keep them since they couldn't care for them. I only inherited 2 though.... We named them Black Peter and Black...
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