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  1. T

    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    Welcome to BYC! Update on Diva's baby: Clover's doing very well today~ She's walking, still kinda spindly-legged, and just a talkin! I turned out Clover, Diva, and Angel together and Angel and Clover get along really well! I think Angel taught Clover how to trot. :3 They trotted around the...
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    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    Diva was great for the whole thing too! She didn't even make a sound. We helped her out and Clover is alive and doing well!
  3. T

    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    @Megan Amber: Well, of course! xD I was there for it! xD It's my mare, lol.
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    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    Well, judging by the word "SHE'S sleeping" from my last post, what do you think? lol
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    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    She's figuring out her legs right now, so I was talking to Diva and she kicked me. xD It didn't hurt, it was more adorable.
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    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    It's my favorite gif because it explains all the feels I have about the 11th Doctor regenerating... D:
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    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    It's my favorite gif because it explains all the feels I have about the 11th Doctor regenerating... D:
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    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    They just run, like She's so mean to my stallions. xD
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    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    Especially Angel. xD She's dominant, so when a stallion and her are in the field, the stallion tries to pick a fight with her. But what she likes to do is kick them and then absolutely chase them around the field. xD
  10. T

    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    She's in the field now, and she's just trotting around with her tail flagged so proudly. xD The other mares are looking at her like "angel wat are you doing. wat are you even doing" and it's making me laugh xD
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    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    I just worked Angel. :P She's such a good girl~
  12. T

    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    Lil Mitzi is gonna have a BABYYY. Jenna and I've decided on names already. :3
  13. T

    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    Thank you!!! Maria and Moriah need baths. xD I'll do that after I take Angel out for a trail ride.
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    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    Er, no. xD Maria and Moriah are sired by the same stud, so I named them similarily.
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    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    Haha, thanks. Apatche and Tontigo are buddies. :3 They're proud stallions together. :3
  16. T

    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    Four of my babies :3 In order from closest to furthest: Maria (NEW HORSEEE) Apatche (ALSO NEW HORSEEE) Moriah (ALSO NEW HORSEEE) Tontigo
  17. T

    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    I'm awesome! One of my mares is pregnant and I'm so happy! We have three foals right now and then Lil Mitzi is gonna have a baby :D
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