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  1. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    *edited to finish typi g*
  2. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    Me, I'm short stuff, but I'm the other kind. You're tall stuff. I thought you must be short stuff, but turn out you're not.
  3. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    You're quiet, always kind, and careful. You don't put your feet over the line for the sake of it. That's how we're different.
  4. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    The volatile, vibrant personality. But hey, I thought Bean was short stuffs too. Just the other kind.
  5. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    I knew you were short stuff.
  6. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    Yeah lol. I am in a public school filled with all sorts of kids....most of the boys and taller than me, and I'm taller than about 1/3 - 1/2 of the girls. I think.
  7. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    Interesting! That's cool. I wish I was just a teeny bit taller. I was the short stuff in my grade, growing up. I'm taller than a lot of people now, but nobody has stopped seeing me as short. Bleh.
  8. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    Personality. :)
  9. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    I'm 5'4...and you and I are the same age, right?
  10. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    Really? I always pictured you as short stuff.
  11. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    And freckle constellations!
  12. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    I have perfect oregonian arms 😏 With muscles, too.
  13. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    Trust me...I ain't jealous ;)
  14. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    How come you have three accounts, Lambs?
  15. TheOddOneOut

    The United Nation of Asparagus Lovers

    *Flexes hot oregonian arms in face*
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