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  1. TheOvoOffice

    6month Speckled Sussex: hen or roo?

    I have 5 hens same age (26 weeks) - the Buff Orpington gave me the first of eggs yesterday! Seems my whole flock are late bloomers (SS, Partridge Cochin, Barred Plymouth Rock, & Sicilian Buttercup). I was so happy to find my first egg ever! But I'm looking forward to the rest catching up in the...
  2. TheOvoOffice

    6month Speckled Sussex: hen or roo?

    Yay! Thanks for the vote of confidence!! I was really hoping she's a hen.
  3. TheOvoOffice

    6month Speckled Sussex: hen or roo?

    My 26 week old (a little over 6 months) Speckled Sussex doesn't crow or lay eggs. Her stance is very rooster-like, and tail feathers ornate, and I can't find enough consistent pictures online of Speckled Sussex tails to give me a definitive answer - I seem to find a little of everything when I...
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