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  1. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    Sounds cool! Do you keep them heated? I think I remember you mentioning you live in the Northeast.
  2. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    What types of pens, or cages do you guys keep your Hackle birds in?
  3. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    Thats awesome! Congrats on the new chicks! I have to find some eggs and start incubating soon myself.
  4. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    Hey Johnny Kool, I can't seem to find the older forum I was referring to, but I'm sure it was one of you guys. I do want to work on developing my own line of hackle birds, but starting slow as more of a hobby. I'm looking to get started, learn and progress. Right now I want to find some eggs to...
  5. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    Thank you, I see that Dheltzel has posted in here. Beautiful birds. I also live in the Northeast.
  6. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    I have been tying flies the past few years, all my knowledge is from youtube though, and a few books. I'd consider myself a beginner. I have bought all the supplies I've used so far, except for some pheasant feathers and alpaca fiber. I have been starring at my Rhode Island Red rooster the past...
  7. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    Yes, I agree with you. It took so long to develop their qualities, it would be very unlikely to share with the masses, so it's indeed an impossibility. Someone mentioned in a previous post to make sure the birds lineage is documented and be weary while buying. But I don't think there are birds...
  8. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    It seems that it's almost impossible to find genuine genetic hackle eggs.
  9. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    Thank you! I will check this farm out.
  10. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    I'm more so looking to raise birds with a unique purpose, and to try some selective breeding. I do plan on starting this very small scale. I already have standard egg laying chickens, and a farm, and a few other animals. Except for the initial cost of obtaining the eggs what makes these birds so...
  11. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    Thank you both. Pokeys Poultry doesn't look to have the feather qualities I am looking for.
  12. Tuckerjamez

    Genetic Hackle Eggs

    Hello everyone, I have been looking through all the forums on Genetic Hackle birds for Fly Tying. A common theme I see is people wanting to buy eggs to raise their own birds for this purpose. I am one of those people. There are many posts from several years ago where these eggs were being...
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