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  1. WakaFlockaChickens

    Supposed sexlink chick - Do we believe them?!

    You’re all correct - pullet! I don’t have any eggs yet for that ultra confirmation, but Twitch appears to be turning pretty darn red now so I’m hopeful for eggs soon! She will be 16 weeks tomorrow. 👍
  2. WakaFlockaChickens

    Supposed sexlink chick - Do we believe them?!

    Ready for an update?! Twitch is almost ten weeks old now. I am still getting rooster vibes but the votes keep coming in for pullet. I’m clearly not convinced! 😅
  3. WakaFlockaChickens

    Supposed sexlink chick - Do we believe them?!

    We are now at 4 weeks and 4 days old! I took these photos yesterday. Twitch has changed so much! Getting lots of red feathers now. Place your bets, everyone! Cockerel or Pullet?
  4. WakaFlockaChickens

    Supposed sexlink chick - Do we believe them?!

    Here are a few more photos from today. The one in question is the one on the left (next to her is my Amberlink). She is 19 days old today.
  5. WakaFlockaChickens

    Supposed sexlink chick - Do we believe them?!

    Hi everyone! First and foremost, please know that I'm not overly concerned about whether or not this chick will in fact turn out to be a hen, and this post is mostly for fun and curiosity to hear other's views or opinions of the matter. I'm not always the most succinct person, so bear with me...
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