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  1. Working Dog Doc

    Emergency Surgery - Did I do this right?

    You'd be surprised...for this sort of thing, a wound is a wound, regardless of species. At any rate, I'm a vet who will see chickens.
  2. Working Dog Doc

    Emergency Surgery - Did I do this right?

    No, that's what I mean: never suture up any wounds caused by a dog or cat (especially puncture wounds, just FYI). Whether dog on dog, dog on human, dog on chicken.
  3. Working Dog Doc

    Emergency Surgery - Did I do this right?

    Don't ever close dog or cat wounds! They need to drain or you will get a nasty abscess. Even for bad dog fight wounds, we keep it open (but bandaged) to drain for a few days, then suture it closed. Flushing the wound three times a day with weak iodine solution is fine. I don't advocate using...
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