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  1. Wyorp Rock

    Beat up Americana

    They can be quite goofy about laying. I have 3 boxes, each one gets used. One of my BO girls hogs the middle one, she is quite demanding when there is a need to lay her egg. I do have a SLW who is a quite a Nervous Nellie and she absolutely refuses to lay in a box. Nothing I have tried works...
  2. Wyorp Rock

    Beat up Americana

    Getting rid of him is one solution for sure.
  3. Wyorp Rock

    Beat up Americana

    Can you put the kennel inside the run with the rest of the flock? Not sure if it's large enough for 2 girls, you will have to determine that. Atleast put the worst one in the cage, in the run, with her own food and water. I had a girl injure her foot and separated her for a few days, to keep her...
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