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  1. Wyorp Rock

    Egg bound.

    I'm sorry to hear that she died:hugs The only way to get more info would be to have a necropsy, either through your state vet or you do your own informal one.
  2. Wyorp Rock

    Egg bound.

    The lice won't help. Likely she has something else going on like a reproductive problem, but what you want to do it address any issues or symptoms that you can treat, then see how it goes. Like getting rid of the lice. Making sure her crop is emptying, if it's not then begin treatment. Get...
  3. Wyorp Rock

    Egg bound.

    Re-check her crop again first thing in the morning, make sure it's empty/flat. I'd work on getting some dust or spray and treating all the birds for lice.
  4. Wyorp Rock

    Egg bound.

    Please do not give your hen an enema.
  5. Wyorp Rock

    Egg bound.

    Please get some photos of your hen and her poop. Thank you.
  6. Wyorp Rock

    Egg bound.

    What do you mean the crop feels empty but doughy? So it has something in there right? I would treat for a doughy crop or at least start giving her coconut oil twice a day an massage the crop. Sounds like you may have found some bugs. Permethrin poultry dust or spray can be used to treat...
  7. Wyorp Rock

    Egg bound.

    I agree, I would re-check her crop in the morning. With this going on so long, likely she's not egg bound, but she may be having some reproductive problems.
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