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  1. Zombie24

    Limping quail with swollen leg.

    Aw... very cute, is she a button? I'll have to try the blended peanuts, mine are so fussy and only seem to like pellets and waxworms. I have a spare heat mat but it makes her so angry when I get near. If only she understood I could have bought 30 new quail with the cost of her vet bill lol...
  2. Zombie24

    Limping quail with swollen leg.

    She's in a warm cage and I've ordered some waxworms... I hope she's back to her happy self soon. 💛
  3. Zombie24

    Limping quail with swollen leg.

    The vet gave us antibiotics and metacam, he couldn't feel a break and so he thought it was likely an infection. She's so angry, I've brought her inside, if I walk past she lunges at me and pecks my hands when I top up food and water. She's normally super friendly but she hates me now... lol
  4. Zombie24

    Limping quail with swollen leg.

    Hello, My quail was looking quiet yesterday but I'm pretty sure she was walking without any issues. Today she was limping and so I picked her up and checked her over. The leg she limps on is very swollen and red where the tibia is. There's a puncture mark too. Is this likely an infection...
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