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  1. birdwrangler057

    Help! I am finally going to build my coop and get my chickens. What kind?

    That is true about the Barred Rocks, they are very cold hardy.
  2. birdwrangler057

    Help! I am finally going to build my coop and get my chickens. What kind?

    I don't know if this will help, but here is my flock list. This mix of breeds has always put eggs on the table at my house; 3 x Barred Rocks 2 x Rhode Island Reds 1 x Buff Orpington 1 x Jersey Giant 3 x Easter Eggers
  3. birdwrangler057

    Help! I am finally going to build my coop and get my chickens. What kind?

    If you don't want your hens to wonder, than don't let them free range, but free ranging hens are always healthier and have richer eggs.
  4. birdwrangler057

    Help! I am finally going to build my coop and get my chickens. What kind?

    Hello, If you want eggs, than I would say getting Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, or Buff Orpingtons. Jersey Giants are pretty cold hardy too. Easter eggers are great as well.( I am merely going off of experience with these breeds, every breed a its own specific purpose.) :cd
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