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  1. cinjoel

    Rooster - started hoarse, has gotten worse - help

    Thank you all. I did start giving him the Safeguard. Day one seemed ok, day two I gave it to him in the am, but he died later that day. My heart sad, I’m blaming myself but trying to find the bright I can reunited the hens into one flock with Latte (Mocha’s) brother.
  2. cinjoel

    Rooster - started hoarse, has gotten worse - help

    Update on foul odor from his beak, no white or yellow lesions in or around his beak, crop feels flat. No nasal discharge. Plan to check his crop again tonight. We ‘free range’ by putting them in chicken tractors during the day then back in secure overnight coops at night. He still...
  3. cinjoel

    Rooster - started hoarse, has gotten worse - help

    I need advice. My beautiful rooster Mocha lost his voice/crow about one month ago. I started giving him Vet RX in his water, plain yogurt, even put the Vet RX drops on his beak and under his wings and it’s only getting worse. Not sure what else I can do .
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