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  1. cmbookworm

    Easter Egger rooster or hen?

    Hooray! :-) Thanks so much. She's a really sweet bird, too. We have buffs, a red, a black sex link, and had Barred Rocks (they were done in by predators, but we recently got new ones. Because, chicken math. And we have a broody hen sitting on eggs now!) The others were so easy to tell! The 2...
  2. cmbookworm

    Easter Egger rooster or hen?

    Good to know!! Every time I get on here, I learn something new. Thanks so much for the input!
  3. cmbookworm

    Easter Egger rooster or hen?

    I sure hope so!!! We've had them since Valentine's Day and estimated them around 7 weeks when we got them. I thought I heard a soft crow from someone after our big bossy rooster crowed a couple of weeks ago, but maybe not. I've seen these 2 sparring a bit, leading with their feet in sort of a...
  4. cmbookworm

    Easter Egger rooster or hen?

    I have 2 that I'm wondering about. They are 18 or 19 weeks old and I'm having the hardest time with the Easter Eggers! My other ones were pretty easy. These? Not so much! We already have a Buff Orpington rooster that is a pain and I don't want 2 more! They have had a couple of roo-ish tussles...
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