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  1. cutiepie960

    Why are people feeding birds yogurt?

    Thanks!! My chickens also loves it especially when its SUPER HOT during the day.... Ok maybe i need stop giving the yogurt everyday & just now & then... Thanks!!! Lila Ann
  2. cutiepie960

    Why are people feeding birds yogurt?

    Hello, My girl heather took a 2 week break from lay eggs after a brief brooding episode she is no longer broody & has started laying again, she has been laying beautiful perfect shaped eggs but not sure if she is getting enough calcium so i started giving her plain yogurt everyday!! Is giving...
  3. cutiepie960

    Why are people feeding birds yogurt?

    Hello, My girl heather took a 2 week break from laying she has now started laying again 4 days in a row i have been giving her yogurt almost everyday b4 i started giving her yogurt she has been laying beautiful shape eggs no soft shelled no deformed eggs just perfectly shaped eggs but i want to...
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