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  1. d.k

    Okay, seriously, when is this site going to slow down!?!?!?!?!

    * I think that, any way you slice it, Rob, BYC is gonna keep growing and more than likely, faster and faster. As more and more folks gain access to the web, whether by cell, like me, or some other tech toy and more countries come online seriously-- ya know??? Ed: Anyplace o/l that tells the...
  2. d.k

    Okay, seriously, when is this site going to slow down!?!?!?!?!

    * Any more trips to Antartica and I'll be catching up to you-- and that would just be weird.
  3. d.k

    Okay, seriously, when is this site going to slow down!?!?!?!?!

    * TRIED to hint to start thinking 9o,ooo members, Nifty!!!
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