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  1. duluthralphie

    Coyote trapping

    (Okay so I lied) I find it interesting some of you have coyote season. We have so many up here they are unprotected. There has even been talk of re-establishing a bounty on them. (I am for that). Our coyotes only pack up during the winter months when the snow is deep. Of course, our wolves...
  2. duluthralphie

    Coyote trapping

    We will have to agree to disagree, the trap cannot catch skunks or cats. They cannot curl their paws in the manner needed to catch them. I have multiple cats here is why I use them. There are some people that think trapping an animal is never the right thing to do (PETA people), there are...
  3. duluthralphie

    Coyote trapping

  4. duluthralphie

    Coyote trapping

    Thanks, but I am fine with it. I doubt the predator worries about the pain and fear it inflicts on our birds.
  5. duluthralphie

    Coyote trapping

    Drowning a predator is relatively fast and easy. It is safer than on trying to shoot a thrashing animal in a trap and risk a richocet or errant piece of lead hitting a person or doing damage to property or a domestic animal. In addition in many towns and cities shooting is illegal. Keeping and...
  6. duluthralphie

    Coyote trapping

    You can teach them to swim.. and see how long they can hold their breath.. If they fail the holding your breath class.. they can be used to make a nice cap without any pesky bullet holes in it.
  7. duluthralphie

    Coyote trapping

    I forgot my pictures the first time.
  8. duluthralphie

    Coyote trapping

    I just reread your post... They make a trap just for raccoons and possums, it takes an animal that is able to reach into the trap and “pull” the trigger release. These are the only two predators we have that can do this.. Just use peanut butter around and in the trap and some small...
  9. duluthralphie

    Coyote trapping

    It could be a fix also. Both are hard to trap. It would take an array of foot hold traps on a drag in my experience to trap them. Scents would help. If you have never trapped I suggest you contact someone that has. Getting a fox or coyote into a live trap is even harder. I have no idea what...
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