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  1. eddie_van_quailen

    Might have to cull an aggressive hen...

    Oh no, I’m sorry to hear you’re having troubles too ☹️ I’m glad the rearranging worked for a while. I’ve tried that a couple times with this one and I thought it had resolved the issue as well… I’m going to give her one more shot, probably, before she becomes dinner. She’s been isolated for a...
  2. eddie_van_quailen

    Might have to cull an aggressive hen...

    I wanted to try the "see but not touch" method with my clear-sided wire-top storage tote, but unfortunately the way the sun moves through my pen it would be difficult to keep shade available for her at all times this way... and it's very hot here right now. She does seem to have calmed down a...
  3. eddie_van_quailen

    Might have to cull an aggressive hen...

    Thank you all for the responses. I really appreciate you taking the time. I think you all may be right... It makes me very sad, but I think it's only fair to the others. And, probably most fair to her, too.
  4. eddie_van_quailen

    Might have to cull an aggressive hen...

    So, my falb fee female, Jenny, has been having another bout of aggression the past week (maybe longer) and I'm really sad about it... She's chasing everyone pretty intensely and even pecked one of my pharoahs, Eddie, to the point of bleeding. I separated Jenny last night and gave her a 12-hour...
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