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  1. frenchblackcopper

    Sneaking extra eggs

    I found some,,,but they are located in AREA 51,,,,
  2. frenchblackcopper

    Sneaking extra eggs

    I'm still waiting on Opal eggs to be located,or just fall from the sky,search engine madness and overload here in the search mode for some.I'm beginning to think that color is "imagineary" and is only talked about,,or it's a covert undercover breeders network that only has them.
  3. frenchblackcopper

    Sneaking extra eggs

    Add a tv with Dish Network,,turn to the Nature Channel,,,and those eggs will start flopp'in out.
  4. frenchblackcopper

    Sneaking extra eggs

    Sneek in under the cover of darkness,,lift her little butt up,and then fill to capacity,,like the USPS says,,"If it fits,it ships" maybe here tho,"If she sits,eggs gotta fit" Wear thick leather gear. LOL
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